GAMMA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED was established on 07/05/2007 as one of the companies in Vietnam specializing in civil construction. At the same time, the company also focuses on investing and developing the field of construction consulting and M&E technical services.
Along with the operating philosophy “Focus on Flexible and Efficient solutions” We are proud to contribute to a stronger and better foundation for community life.
1. Quality – Do everything right from the start.
2. Commit - Deliver what was promised.
3. Fair - Act objectively and balance interests.
4. Aggression - Cooperation and support at work.
5. Improvements – Do things better every day.
Trademark is a very priceless asset of any company.
Trademark plays an important role in connecting different activities and functions of the company into Flexible and efficient solution benefits to customers.
Trademark It is also an important factor that makes employees feel proud that they are part of the organization and helps create a positive image in the community and society's perception of the business.
Creating sustainable infrastructure projects that contribute to social upliftment
Become a strong brand in the field of construction in Vietnam.
– Do everything right from the start.
- Deliver what was promised.
- Behave objectively and in balance.
- Cooperation and support at work.
Building a good working environment both physically and mentally; creating conditions for all Gamma members to develop all their abilities and express their uniqueness.
© 2016 Copyright by Gamma Construction Co., Ltd. All rights reserved